In the middle of Copenhagen’s city buzz, you’ll find Level Six – Rooftop Bar & Terrace, a calm oasis right in the middle of the city

Visit us at Nørreport every day of the week

About Level Six

In the midst of Copenhagen’s hustle and bustle, you will find Level Six – Rooftop Bar & Terrace, where peace descends upon everyone who settles down with a cocktail in hand. Our unique bar offers delicious snacks, bar food, and an array of cocktails, attracting both local Copenhageners and international guests.

Level Six is open to everyone who loves indulgence and a great view. Our menu also includes a good selection of wine, beer, and bubbles that you can enjoy with your bar dishes.

We look forward to seeing you at Level Six at Frederiksborggade 18, 1360 Copenhagen K.